Инженер Технолог Archived


Published: 2018-10-21 Ad Code: 1ODnPDV Views: 142

DNU them. O. Gonchar
Faculty of Physics and Technology, Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk)
Higher, from 09.2010 to 02.2018 (7 years 5 months)
Engineer technologist (magistracy) in the specialty production of rocket and space aircraftПрофессиональные и другие навыкиНавыки работы с компьютером
Имею навыки работы в популярных чертежных и графических редакторах, инженерных программируемых средах (AutoCAD, Inventor, CorelDRAW, Компас 3D, Mathcad, solid works), владею основами программирования, робототехники

Professional and other skills
Computer skills
I have skills in popular drawing and graphic editors, (AutoCAD, Inventor, CorelDRAW,
Compass 3D, Mathcad, solid works),
I know the basics of programming, roboticsм



From 1500 EUR

Employment Type

Full time

Education level


Published : 2018-10-21

Ad Code: 1ODnPDV

Views: 142

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